Saturday 31 March 2012



As we know a fable is a short animal tale. Fables are most often told or written with a moral tagged on in the form of a proverb. Thus to convey a moral is the aim of most fables, and the tale is the vehicle by which this is done. Both providing an illustration of and compelling argument for the moral. Thus, I am very sure that every child in this world has come through fables during their childhood. The same goes to me. For me, The Tortoise and the Hare is my first fable. The story is about a rabbit who bragged that he could run faster than anyone. Slow and steady, the turtle, challenged him to a race. Rabbit, thinking he would win, stopped alongside the road to rest and fell asleep. Slow and steady kept on walking, step by step, and passing the sleeping rabbit, he crossed the finish line first. After a long time, again I read the fable, The Son Of the Turtle-Spirit. That night this story had become a bedtime story for my son. He found the story is interesting and I felt the same because this story is a very interesting story where it talks about a love between a frog which turned to be a man later and the woman whom he loved. It has a lot of values to be shared like making good use of the opportunities, work for your own success, rely on your own strength and many more. The story can also be a good material to teach students. They will surely love it.


It was quite difficult for me to write the position paper. Especially while developing the thesis statement. However, after doing some reading I managed to finish my writing.  I chose "Lamb To The Slaughter" as my topic. ‘Lamb to the Slaughter,’’ reflect aspects of human perversity, cruelty, and violence. ‘‘Lamb to the Slaughter’’ opens with Mary Maloney, the pregnant, doting wife of a policeman waiting for her husband to come home from work. When he does so, he makes an abrupt but unspecified statement to Mary, the upshot of which is that he intends to leave her. Her connubial complacency shattered by this revelation, Mary crushes her husband’s skull with a frozen leg of lamb and then arranges an alibi. Therefore i personally feel that Mrs Mary Malloney’s true love to her husband hides her duplicity and deceitfulness. There are some parts in the story which reveals her those personalities. Mary made an intelligent conversation with the grocer. In between their conversation, she told him that her husband Patrick is at home and didn’t want to go out that night as he is too tired. So she decided to prepare supper for him and now here to buy some vegetables for that. Mary managed to have quite a long and cheerful conversation with the grocer so that he would quite clearly remember Mary’s visit. She expects the grocer to tell the detectives that Mary was in a normal condition and acted naturally at the grocery. Her conversation with the grocer shows her personality of duplicity because her intention was not to have a cheerful conversation but to deceive the grocer and of course the detectives and avoid them from suspecting her for the murder. Deceitfulness found in Mary when she invites the detectives to have some drink in order to reduce their tiredness. All the detectives one by one were persuaded to have some drink and it end up all the detectives standing with glasses in their hand without searching for the evidence and consoling Mary for the incident happened. Mary insisted them to have the cooked lamb which was made for her husband so that she could destroy the evidence. Through this, we can see that Mary gets away easily from danger and despair by using deceitful and convincing words.


Erica Jong is a novelist, poet, and essayist. She has consistently used her craft to help provide women with a powerful and rational voice in forging a feminist consciousness. Erica Jong lives in New York City and Weston, CT with her husband, attorney Ken Burrows, and standard poodle, Belinda Barkowitz.  Her daughter, Molly Jong-Fast, is also a writer. She has published 20 books, including eight novels, six volumes of poetry, six books of non-fiction and numerous articles in magazines and newspapers such as the New York Times, the Sunday Times of London, Elle, Vogue and  the New York Times Book Review. Erica Jong was honored with the United Nations Award for Excellence in Literature. She has also received Poetry magazine's Bess Hokin Prize, also won by W.S. Merwin and Sylvia Plath. In France, she received the Deauville Award for Literary Excellence and in Italy, she received the Sigmund Freud Award for Literature. The City University of New York awarded Ms. Jong an honorary PhD at the College of Staten Island. Calling herself “a defrocked academic,” Ms. Jong has partly returned to her roots as a scholar.  She has taught at Ben Gurion University in Israel, Bennington College in the US, Breadloaf Writers’ Conference in Vermont and many other distinguished writing programs and universities. She loves to teach and lecture, though her skill in these areas has sometimes crowded her writing projects.  “As long as I am communicating the gift of literature, I’m happy,” Jong says.  A poet at heart, Ms. Jong believes that words can save the world. 


Lord Septic, the villain and his servant Crouch, a bully are waiting for the midnight express at the train station

Rose, a blind flower girl comes to the station. Crouch bullies her and Percy, hero comes ion to help her.

Lord  Septic hits Percy and ties Rose to the train track. Percy runs off to try and stop train coming down the 

Percy stops the train and Rose is saved . Percy learns that he is Sir Percy Gatsby and heir to the Gatsby Gold.

Lord Septic and Crouch, are tied up and handed to police. Percy proposes Rose and she agrees.
 Lord Septic yearns more money although he is already rich. He aims to be the richest man in the world. He and his father killed Lady Gatsby for her gold. He married his wife because she owns a gun factory. To cut cost, he does not care for the safe storage of matches at his factory.