Saturday 31 March 2012



As we know a fable is a short animal tale. Fables are most often told or written with a moral tagged on in the form of a proverb. Thus to convey a moral is the aim of most fables, and the tale is the vehicle by which this is done. Both providing an illustration of and compelling argument for the moral. Thus, I am very sure that every child in this world has come through fables during their childhood. The same goes to me. For me, The Tortoise and the Hare is my first fable. The story is about a rabbit who bragged that he could run faster than anyone. Slow and steady, the turtle, challenged him to a race. Rabbit, thinking he would win, stopped alongside the road to rest and fell asleep. Slow and steady kept on walking, step by step, and passing the sleeping rabbit, he crossed the finish line first. After a long time, again I read the fable, The Son Of the Turtle-Spirit. That night this story had become a bedtime story for my son. He found the story is interesting and I felt the same because this story is a very interesting story where it talks about a love between a frog which turned to be a man later and the woman whom he loved. It has a lot of values to be shared like making good use of the opportunities, work for your own success, rely on your own strength and many more. The story can also be a good material to teach students. They will surely love it.

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