Tuesday 1 May 2012


The term "mythology" can refer to the study of myths. Myths typically involve supernatural characters and are endorsed by rulers or priests. They may arise as historical events, as allegory personification of natural phenomena, or as an explanation of ritual. The main characters in myths are usually gods, supernatural heroes and humans. As sacred stories, myths are often endorsed by rulers and priests and closely linked to religion or spirituality.

Pyramus and Thisbe are young neighbors in love. Unfortunately, their parents do not want them to be together and decide to build a wall between the properties. Luckily for the young couple there is a hole in the wall through which they used to speak to each other.

However, they soon realize this is not going to make them happy to live and love each other.  Therefore, they agree to meet at the Tomb of Ninus and plan to run away together to live happily ever after beyond their parents’ confining rule.
Thisbe arrives first and instead of finding her lover waiting for her under the tree of white mulberries that shades the tomb, she finds a lion. Fearful for her life she panics and runs to hide in a nearby cave. Iwhilw trying to escape she drops her shawl, scarf, or cloak (the Latin word has been translated to mean any of these items). Between Thisbe’s leaving the cloth behind and Pyramus’ arriving at the tree, the lion tears the cloth and bloodies it from the blood left on its teeth from the animal it just finished eating. The lion then leaves and the tragedy begins.

Pyramus arrives and find the bloody and torn shawl. He searched for Thisbe but nowhere to be seen.  Unfortunately, he assumes the blood is hers.  Believing of  her dead,  he tabs himself so that he may join her. Thisbe soon returns to find her beloved dead and in order that she might join him, takes his sword and kills herself.

The two are forever remembered when their blood stains the mulberries of the tree and the berries retain the dark red color of their blood forever.

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