Sunday 20 May 2012


The Son of the Turtle Spirit is a Chinese folktale.

List some of the well-known folktales from Malaysia
The Hare and The Tortoise
Bawang Merah Bawang Putih
Mosquitoes from the swamp
Outwitting a Crocodile
Mouse Deer and Tiger
Mouse Deer and Farmer

List some of the possible issues found in The Son of the Turtle Spirit
1)   Issues on ‘fate’. Fate means what did we do and what we want to do actually is different. Is can be proven in “The son of the turtle spirit” where he was supposed to place the remains of the rich man’s grandfather in the dragon’s mouth. Instead, he hung the bones on the dragon's horns because he followed his mother’s instructions. Finally, the son of the turtle spirit became the Emperor, and the son of the rich man was his minister. Therefore life depends on our fates and only God can determine our fate.
2)   Issues on where children obeying parents. In the story the son follows and obeys the mother’s advice.
3)   I remember my Chinese friends telling that the Chinese belief that some turtles has spirits which visible at night and vanish at dawn before the sunrise.
4)   I had read before that The Chinese community has a strong belief that the location of the burial ground after death is very important because it affects the wealth and the well-being of the late family members and relatives. It is also important to shift their family / elders remains. In this story, it is stated clearly in the 8th paragraph that “the sons and grandsons of anyone buried there would certainly rise to high honours.”

Are those issues universal in nature or are they only relevant in the Chinese culture?
Those issues except number three and four from above are relevant in the Chinese culture.

What are the other morals that can be gotten from the other fables by Aesop? List at least two

The Ant and The Grasshopper = It is best to prepare for the days of necessity
The Fox and The Goat = Look before you leap
The Dove and The Ant = Little friends may prove great friends

One well-known literary figure from the Elizabethan age used Ovid’s Pyramus and Thisbe as a model to one of his famous plays. Who is he and what is the play?
He is William Shakespeare for his famous play Romeo and Juliet.

List some of the popular legends we have in Malaysia

1) The Legend of Mahsuri
Mahsuri is the famous legend. It is become known from Langkawi Island.  This story reveals how an island was plagued by misfortune. Many believe Mahsuri’s curse had befallen the island.

2) Puteri Gunung Ledang
The Gunung Ledang tells the tale of Sultan Mansur Shah of Melacca, who whished to marry a woman superior to the wives of any other prince in the world. infatuated with this notion the Sultan decided to ask for the hand of Puteri Gunung Ledang.

3) The Legend of Puteri  Santubong
It is a story of  Puteri Santubong and Puteri Sejinjang, from a glorious and pleasant mystical kingdom called Kayangan. The princesses were sent to earth to reinstate peace between the neighboring villages of Pasir Kuning and Pasir Putih, with a strict condition. They must never quarrel with each other.

4) Hang Tuah the Legend
It is the legendary Malay warrior who lived during the reign of Sultan Mansur Shah of the Sultanate of Malacca. . Hang Tuah is seized in the highest regard, even in present-day Malaysian Malay culture, and is arguably the most well-known and memorable warrior idol in Malaysian history and literature.

1. Who is Thomas Malory?
Sir Thomas Malory is the author of Arthur. He said to have been completed his writing in 1469 or 1470. Then it’s revised and printed by William Caxton in 1485.

2. When was Le Mort d'Arthur written?
Started to write on 1450 and completed 1470. It is first published in 1485 by William Caxton and written in English.

3. How many books/parts are there in LMDA?
There are 21 books.

4. What is book 8 about?
It is about the death of Arthur

5. Who were the two people who had an affair?
They are sir Lancelot and Guinevere

6. Book 6 has a strong connection to a popular modern fiction which is now a movie. What is the title of the popular modern fiction?
It is King Arthur and Merlin.

7. State three well-known facts about King Arthur/ his time as a King. 
1) Arthur was the son of Gracaisse and Uther
2) Arthur was elevated by Ector, who had a son named Kay
3) Arthur was bad-mannered of his inheritance as he grew up 


8. Think of 2 ways in which you can use folktales/fables/myths or legends in the classroom. Explain briefly.

1) Role Play
     It can be an interesting way to teach. Students can memorize and act.

2) Graphic Organizer
    Students can simplify and write the plot of the story into a graphic organizer. It or the child would    
    be easy for the students to know the story well.

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