Tuesday 22 May 2012



1. Think of at least 3 benefits of using speeches by famous figures, in the classroom.

1) The chosen speech text can be use as an authentic material. Thus, it can arouse the student’s interest in reading.
2) Normally the speech prepared by famous figures would be error free and well organized. Therefore, it is reliable and suitable to be use in the classroom.
3)  It would be a chance for students to explore and learn the techniques to write and deliver a speech.

2. Go to www.youtube.com and find the audio-visual on the speech. In not less than 50 words, state would the audio-visual be of any use in helping understand the speech better? State your reasons.

Audio-visual would be useful and helpful understanding speech better because help learners to     process and retain information better than just listening. Next, speech by video clip can greatly increase understanding as well as enjoyment during the learning process. If we look at the video above we can know why students will like if teachers' use the following speech audio in classroom. It is because the video has subtitles where it will help students to understand better. Then, the speech is given by a famous football player. Therefore, it can attract students interest and concentration to listen to the speech.

3. Who is Martin Luther King?
Martin Luther King, Jr. was born on January 15, 1929 and passed away on April 4, 1968. He was an American activist and prominent leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement. Martin Luther King Jr. was the most significant voice of the American civil rights movement. He was well-known for using nonviolent resistance to overcome injustice and he never got tired trying to end of isolation laws that prevented them from entering certain places, such as restaurants, hotels, and of public schools. Martin Luther King also did all he could to make people realize that "all men are created equal."

4. Based on the questions below, analyse the features of the given written speech:
a. What is the purpose of the speech?
Martin Luther Kings’s speech “I have a dream” was a message of hope. King hoped that black and whites could live amongst each other in peace. The importance of the speech at the time was it helped a lot on the way to stop racial discrimination. It really showed that they are human being too and it showed the Whites that have gone through too much pain and suffering.

b. What is the tone of the speech?
Repetition is used variedly in the speech. King has fully controlled his speech by using good modulation and clear voice.

c. What interesting major feature(s) can you see from the speech? (i.e. Repetition of phrases, emphasis on certain things said etc)
1)  The interesting Repetitions emphasize the pattern and increase the rhetorical effect. Furthermore, repetition makes these phrases more memorable and make King’s story more memorable.  “I have a dream” is repeated in eight successive sentences.
2)  Repeat key “theme” words throughout your speech. Key “theme” words are repeated throughout the body of your speech. The most commonly used noun is freedom, which is used many times in the speech. This makes sense that freedom is one of the primary themes of the speech.

d. Any interesting facts that you can gather based on the background of the speech?
I Have a Dream" is a 17-minute public speech by Martin Luther King, Jr. It is delivered on August 28, 1963, in which he called for racial equality and an end to discrimination. His speech had been a speech which is always being remembered. Dr. King had the power, the ability, and the capacity to educated, inspired and he informed not just to the people around him but also people throughout America and unborn generations.

5. Suggest a while-reading activity that can be derived from this particular speech.
A while-reading activity that can be derived is role play.

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